THE DAY OF THE LIBERTY: How to avoid recidivist?
The difficulties of socio-professional integration are increased by a stay in prison: access to difficult employment, interruption of social minima, loss of housing ... The risk of recidivism is very high after being sentenced to prison: 63% of those sentenced to prison are sentenced within five years.
Consequently, our society has every interest in supporting the release of sentenced subjects, supervising them via dynamic modules in the field, since this allows the phenomenon of recidivism to be reduced. The penitentiary integration and probation service has a double mission in terms of prevention: Evaluate the risk and support to avoid recurrence, with the BiodynamiCaval modules dispensed by Dominique Gutierrez during 6 weeks, in France !
"The day of his freedom" Sam is voluntary and motivated to join this unique program in France. He is an impulsive young adult with a high potential for recidivism.
Within BiodynamiCaval, he will adopt for several weeks the "know-how" of Biodynamic therapy and the many therapeutic qualities of the horse. This mythical animal with benevolent, mediating neutrality; guides us from the unconscious to the conscious. By combining Biodynamics with the horse, real transformations take place. There is a quality of being that, when you reach it, triggers deep currents of healing.
This method has proven itself and the horse is extraordinary in its mission! Sam's Freedom Day, a poignant story filled with emotions!
